A couple of years ago, I started a blog. At the time, I didn’t really know what I wanted share in such a public forum, nor did I have any idea who might want to read what I have to write. After a couple of posts, which basically focused on politics, I decided that it was not worth keeping up with that blog, so I stopped posting. My father somehow came across it shortly after I started it and had some nice things to say about my writing (which is encouraging, as he’s a professional journalist); that wasn’t enough to keep me going, though.
Things have changed a bit since then.
In the intervening time since then and now, I’ve become a husband and a father. My wife Karen and I welcomed our new daughter Zoe into this world on August 25th. And let me say, Zoe is something special.
I know that every parent thinks their child is special, but in our case, I’m sure we’re right. And that’s what I want to write about here: I want to tell the story of our family as it grows and evolves. I want to talk about Zoe as she grows from an infant, to a child and ultimately an adult. And that’s what this blog is for.
It’s also a place where I can share other interests, too. I’m a software architect and developer by trade and a photographer by avocation. I’m also a birder when I get the chance. I hope to use this blog as a place to share my interests and work with the world. And I’m sure that I will throw in the occasional political rant or self-indulgent discussion of some less-the-interesting aspect of my life.
So, with that, let the blogging begin.