Since my last post I have:
- Become an iPhone addict
- Become a Twitter addict (@stonehippo)
- Become a Facebook addict
- Become (more) of a TiVo addict
- Become a total, smacked-out junky for the kid. I didn’t know that it’s was possible to constantly find some new and amazing about single human being every 5 minutes. Live and learn.
2008 was a strange year. Amazing highs, incredible lows, and creamy centers, too. And I can’t believe the first decade of the 21st Century is already 80% over. I spent the first 27 years of my life waiting with baited breath for the new Millennium. And now it’s 8 wacky years in.
I’m working on my New Decade’s Resolutions. I know we’re got some time until this one’s done, but it’s best to be prepared. I’ve got a few that I’m already pretty sure I want at the top of the list and I’m going to try to get a jump on them now:
- Become a better father
- Become a better husband
- Become a genius inventor with super powers and a secret lair
- Cook at home more
- Get a new bike
I’ll let you know how it goes.