Karen had to do some work at the old office today, so I took that day off to do some child care. We had a really nice morning: Zoe’s nap was short, but we went for a walk up to Sara’s Market then ambled around the park a bit.
Zoe was giving me the old stink-eye when we left, perhaps because I bundled her up for an Artic adventure without realizing that it had actually warmed up a bit from this week’s chilly temps. But we had a nice walk and she napped a bit along the way.
I also got a chance to try a shot that I’ve been trying to get for a while: a view of our neighborhood from the hill in the park. This view is quite something in the right light, especially when the weather is overcast, and it was really nice this morning. I’m not sure that my latest attempt really captures what I’m talking about, but here it is anyway (click for a larger version).
You can’t really see our house from this shot, but it’s back there somewhere.
I had a really nice time with Zoe, but I can see how hard it would be to do this every day. I found myself talking to her a lot but she doesn’t really respond (beyond smiling or frowning). Once again, I’m stunned by how hard it must be to be a stay-at-home parent. While I would love the opportunity, I imagine that I’d be spending a lot of time looking for some, any, adult interaction.